Unrequited Limited Edition Print Release: A Lovecraftian Horror
This week sees the release of the first in a series of limited edition art prints featuring the illustrations from our Revelations collection. We chose Unrequited as the first piece to print, and with it’s macabre outlook on abandoned love and revenge, it’s very much rooted in the darker side of what we do. Read on to find out how this illustration came to be.
The Illustration
Unrequited was the fifth piece I created for the Revelations collection, and at the time I was looking for, and not seeing, any small starting point on which to base the image. Unrequited love is a very emotive subject, and I wanted to choose a central image that would be bold and threatening.
After much searching, the answer eventually came in the form of a quote from a book called The Book of Unholy Mischief by Elle Newmark.
“...unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. For some unfortunates, it turns bitter and mean, and those who come after pay the price for the hurt done by the one who came before.”
This conjured up visions of black sea monsters and stricken ships, like those written about by H. P. Lovecraft. The octopus was based on a number of vintage engravings featuring giant beasts dragging sailors down into the deep, and the illustration was completed by the addition of a large Portuguese galleon about to meet a similar fate.
The Print
The print is part of a limited edition of 25, and each one comes signed a numbered. I chose Platinum Etching 285, a beautiful soft-white, heavy fine art paper, for this print run as the soft tone and the slight texture look beautiful with the heavy black areas of the design.
There will be several further prints released that have been designed to sit next to this one.
Prints go on sale at 12pm GMT on Saturday 31 March. If you would like to own one, click the link below.
UPDATE: All prints have now sold out.